Oh... Hi! I didn't see you there.
I'm Jake. Thanks for stopping by my website. I'm honestly surprised you found your way here, but now that you are here, I hope you discover something worth reading.
I guess I can give you some details about me.
I have a lot, probably too much, education. It started innocently enough with a mathematics undergraduate degree. Then, faced with the age-old question of "what do you do with a math degree?", I did what any reasonable person would do – I got a Master's degree. After earning my Master's in Mathematics, I spent some time teaching, diving into ML research, and eventually became an institutional researcher at my university. That's where I encountered Python (strictly for research purposes, of course), and I realized programming is actually extremely fun. Seriously, I'm continually shocked I get paid to do it.
I decided to pursue a Computer Science degree while working at the
university (pro tip: working at a university makes collecting degrees
convenient). That's where I found Linux and FOSS. These days, I'm a software
engineer, building Python web apps and back-end automation mostly. When I'm
not doing that, I enjoy learning new things, playing board games, or
wasting time "optimizing my workflow" by tinkering with my OS or editor.
So that's my story. Feel free to reach out if you want to chat about math, code, or your favorite Linux distribution!